Stop Choosing To Be Offended

Stop Choosing To Be Offended

"This is the worst video I've ever wasted my time on. Unsubscribed!"

Sound familiar?

Whether youā€™re a content creator posting videos online for others to see and comment on, or youā€™re just a human being living life, we all face backlash and criticism no matter what we do.

Even more so since the dawn of social media.

Itā€™s my opinion that 99% of those who leave negative and belittling comments on social media would never have the courage to say those exact words to that personā€™s face in real life.

So why do we give someone elseā€™s words the power to ruin our day, question our self-worth and our entire outlook on life?

I think weā€™re all much more fragile and emotional than we care to admit, and even more so when weā€™re living our life for others.

What if you decided right now that you were going to live your life for you?

Iā€™m not talking about dropping all sense of responsibility and not being there for those who need you and rely on you.

Iā€™m talking about being intentional about how you live your life, owning your unique style of content, the way you dress, etc. and always seeking clarity on how to be the best version of yourself for you and those around you.

Itā€™s when we obsess over what others think about us that we choose to be offended by someoneā€™s comments, whether we know them or not.

But what do YOU think about YOU?

Who cares if your video only got 17 likes and 1 comment from your mom.

If youā€™re proud of what you made, then own it!

Life is way too short to let someone else control how you feel about you.

You have the power to change your life, and it all starts from the inside.

Build that strong inner confidence and surround yourself with those you know will lift you up when youā€™re feeling down and do the same for them.

This is one of the many reasons I am super proud of the supportive community we have within Full Time Filmmakerā€“I almost like to think our actual course is the bonus to the insanely valuable community we have built.

So in short, letā€™s be more intentional about owning who we are, and being there for those around us.

You know we need itšŸ‘ŠšŸ»


PS - Mattiā€™s latest YouTube video was the inspiration behind this weekā€™s topic. You can check out the full YouTube video HERE.

Full Time Filmmaker is excited to partner with Jake Pierrelee, and add to the growing FTF library of course content by adding a brand new color grading course in the coming weeks!

This course will dive into the intricacies of color grading, color correction, mastering the process of bringing footage from various editing software into Resolve for color enhancement, and ensuring a seamless transition in your video editing workflow.

Weā€™re excited to offer this high value course to our FTF students in the very near future, so stay tuned for a release date on this! You can check out Jake Pierreleeā€™s work HERE.

You may have seen Landonā€™s face this last week on the likes of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Fox News, Yahoo News, Super Car Blondie, Pubity, Robb Report, Jalopnik, and many more.

One video even got the attention of the Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg. I guess you could say the Tesla Cybertruck and the Apple Vision Pro are a match made in heaven when it comes to getting someoneā€™s attention.

Luckily FTF filmed a follow up video that was released this morning showing a real day in the life of using both the Tesla Cybertruck and the Apple Vision Pro. You can check it out HERE.


How a Hobby Turned Into a Fulfilling Filmmaking Career

The story of Andy Ew

What started out as a hobby and interest quickly turned into a passion for me. My wife and I went on an amazing anniversary trip to Barcelona in 2020 and I realized how much I enjoyed and loved documenting our moments together. After that, I began to dive deeper into the filmmaking world and started watching a lot of YouTube videos and came across Full Time Filmmakerā€™s channel. I love the content that was put out and immediately jumped on the opportunity to buy the course even though I didnā€™t fully know if I was going into this industry because I work full time for a church. In 2021, my church went into a financial struggle and I had to take a pay cut. I decided to pursue filmmaking as a side hustle and started my company Sixteen 9 Films. I didnā€™t have a lot of experience starting a small business but I felt good about the knowledge I learned from Full Time Filmmaker. I had an opportunity during that time to film a wedding for a church friend and loved every bit of the experience. I began to pursue more weddings after that while also trying to get into some commercial filming. Eventually it was clear to me that my passion is filming weddings. The biggest takeaway for me as a wedding filmmaker is not only the joy I get to be a part of during a wedding but also the joy that I can bring to my couple through my films. 

Full Time Filmmaker was clearly pivotal in the early stage of my career because it gave me a lot of technical knowledge that I needed to hone my skills as a filmmaker. I loved all the different variety of courses it offered and itā€™s just a great overall course that encapsulates all aspects of filmmaking in different areas of the industry. However, I think the beauty of this course lies not only in the knowledge but also the community that it brings. When I first started out, it felt so overwhelming going through this alone but I was able to quickly connect with a local filmmaker in my area in Raleigh NC and we immediately became good friends. He was really influential in my growth as a filmmaker even though he only works in commercial filming. As time goes by, I continue to meet more people from FTF locally and also in other states and I was just encouraged and amazed at the friendship and community that came out of this course.

What advice would you give to someone getting started?

An advice I would give to some starting out is to have a humble and teachable heart because thereā€™s so much knowledge in this evolving industry. Thereā€™s never a time where you are never learning! Another thing I would encourage to someone new is to find and align yourself with someone in the same industry that could guide and mentor you, or perhaps a community of likeminded people who can keep you accountable and encourage you especially in difficult times. Iā€™m incredibly blessed to know and learn from so many talented filmmakers, and many of them have also become my friends.

To check out Andyā€™s work, click HERE.

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