Happiness Is Caring About The Right Things

Happiness Is Caring About The Right Things

If you guys didnā€™t already knowā€” I love my kids.

To be honest, fatherhood kind of caught me off guard.

I used to kind of hate being around other peopleā€™s kids, but I guess itā€™s different when theyā€™re your own.

Out of all the titles Iā€™ve had throughout my life, ā€œdadā€ is by far the most special.

Making sure my kids grow up with plenty of opportunities to learn and find themselves is the biggest reason that I do what I do.

But sometimes I forget that.

Iā€™ve been going almost nonstop for years.

I get overwhelmed and in my own head, just like anybody else.

I remember a particular day where I had pushed myself to the point of physical exhaustion, so I decided to go home early and get some rest.

I woke up an hour later to my 4 year old son with a huge smile on his face, ā€œDad? Iā€™ve got a surprise for you.ā€

He pulled out from behind his back a piece of paper with a picture that he drew. Honestly, Iā€™d give the drawing a 3 out of 5, but what he wrote next to it brought me to tears.


Heā€™s never written anything like that before.

My kids and I always say ā€œI love youā€, but seeing my oldest carefully write it out for the first time just hit me different.

I needed that ā€œsurpriseā€.

Frankly, I need that reminder daily.

So I made it a permanent part of me.

As youā€™re going through your career, remember that youā€™re not alone.

There are people that love you and are constantly rooting for your successā€” myself included.

And if you havenā€™t found your ā€œwhyā€ yetā€¦ do it for your ā€œfuture whyā€.

Your driving force behind the ā€œwhyā€ you do what you do, has a direct correlation with your internal happiness.

When thinking about my happiness, this quote comes to mind:

ā€œHappiness is caring about the right thingsā€

I like how this quote is framedā€“No one has the solution as to why you arenā€™t happy.

But I know deep down YOU do.

Weā€™ve all been told the lie either in word for word form or by indirect influence that our status and how we appear to others has a direct correlation with our happiness.

Happiness isnā€™t about what your followers think of you or what your old friends think of you.

Happiness is a choice we make.

We need to stop caring about the things that are out of our control, and start caring about the things that ARE in our control.

While I donā€™t have a direct answer for the key to all happiness, I think I can help guide you on the right path to discovering what resonates the most with you.

  1. Human Connection

I think the majority of us find ourselves stuck in front of a screen the majority of the day with very little human interaction.

While Instagram and FaceTiming can be a fun way to connect with others, try getting off the screen and doing something else that allows you to open yourself up to fully connecting with someone else.

I think far too many people go through life feeling alone because they donā€™t know how to have a relationship with real depth.

While not everyone on the internet needs to know every last detail of your life, there are people in your real everyday life that want to know how you actually are doing.

And they want you to ask them the same thing.

Your family, friends, significant other, the random person you walk past in the grocery story that just looks like they need a hugā€“Give someone else another reason to have faith in humanity.

Weā€™re all just doing our best out here.

Iā€™ve found even when Iā€™m having a crummy day, intentionally putting the spotlight on someone else by helping them have a better day makes my day better.

  1. Health Is Wealth

Ya I know this is an obvious one, but I think itā€™s important.

While I enjoy fitness content, the never-ending fitness coaches and trainers that overflow my Instagram feed is a constant reminder of where Iā€™m falling short with my health.

And while seeing what others do to stay in tip top shape can be inspiring or motivating, the comparison game can leave anyone feeling defeated.

Remember, getting a good sweat in a few times a week and actually moving your body is important and healthy, but your mental health is just as important if not more so.

So instead of jumping all-in on an extreme diet and workout plan, be realistic in how you go about it.

Are my health goals sustainable for the long term?

Or am I just going to burn myself out?

The reality is what we put in our bodies and how we use our bodies has a direction correlation with how we both feel about our bodies and ourselves.

And even how we show up for those we love.

If Iā€™m sitting 95% of the day and ordering Uber Eats several times a week, I think itā€™s safe to say thereā€™s some room for improvement.

If Iā€™m working 12-13 hour days and mentally Iā€™m burned out, maybe itā€™s time I take a step back and analyze why that is.

Not that I advocate for working sun up to sun down, but if you are taking care of yourself, showing up for those in your life, and doing work you enjoy, I think burnout is completely avoidable.

Itā€™s all how you look at it.

  1. Look Beyond Yourself

While the above steps can help with happiness, I have to acknowledge the happiest people I know view life from a much bigger lense than whatā€™s going on in their own little world.

They focus less on the physical and more on the intangible.

They make time for practicing gratitude, creating relationships with depth and connecting with their inner self.

They might meditate, pray, or just think about life more optimistically.

These people have grown to realize thereā€™s far more to life than just working to pay our bills.

We are each here to make an impact in our own way.

If we go through life with a consuming and ā€˜takingā€™ mentality, I think weā€™ve missed the point.

As soon as we step outside of our own realm and realize what we once thought was important actually isnā€™t, the sooner youā€™ll discover the real kind of happiness that isnā€™t fleeting.

I think you have to be intentional about getting comfortable with your inner self.

You donā€™t need to always be listening to or watching something.

Learn to be ok sitting in your thoughts in silence.

Youā€™ll find both your self-awareness and confidence will grow as your comfort level with your inner-self grows.

And ironically, this will help you to more honestly and freely look beyond yourself in a way that you never have before.

Alright, I know this wasnā€™t a typical newsletter topic, but hopefully I gave you something to chew on.

While building your business and growing your skills as a creative entrepreneur is important, your happiness and well-being is much more important.

Keep doing what youā€™re doing.

You got this šŸ‘ŠšŸ¼


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