"The Creative Press" is now "Happy Creatiive"

“The Creative Press” is now “Happy Creatiive”

Our Biggest Announcement of the Year!

Hey, it’s Landon 👋🏼

You might have seen some of my recent posts on Instagram, where I’ve talked about building a community of Creative Entrepreneurs.

Well now, that community has a name… and I need your help.

The two “i”s are a nod to my production company, STUDIIO.

While you and 200,000 other creative entrepreneurs have been reading my weekly newsletter, my team and I have been working behind the scenes on a super-secret project. Without giving TOO MUCH away…

It’s an intensive, hands-on coaching program, taught by me.

Entrepreneurship can be one of the most emotionally tolling, financially stressful, unguided, and lonely professions. You’re overwhelmed, overworked, anxious, unstable, unhappy… but no one likes to talk about that.

And do you wanna know the most ironic part?

I have never felt those emotions MORE than when I acquired Full Time Filmmaker.

From the outside, everyone thought I was on top of the world.

But internally, I was dealing with a lot of sh*t…

… until I figured out how to TRULY be happy.

I started to enjoy the journey more. I began to stress WAY less. I LIKED creating stuff again. I wasn’t worried about money.

And I finally found HARMONY with work and family.

Truthfully, I love being a Content Creator, but I’ve always known that my calling in this life is to help people become the best versions of themselves.

So as I’m finalizing this secret project, I need your help.

I made a survey that asks just ONE single question. That’s it.

Be a co-creator of this project ⤵

Click Here to Take the Survey
(It’ll take 30 seconds)

I’m responding to every submission on this survey, btw :)

I’m sending out our regularly-scheduled newsletter in just a little bit, so be on the lookout for that. Thanks for being here.

-Landon 👊🏼