Become Irreplaceable As A Content Creator

Become Irreplaceable As A Content Creator

ā€œI donā€™t get it, I feel like Iā€™m working overtime but no matter how much work I do, I feel underpaid and undervalued.ā€

Yep, I know the feeling.

I think the majority of the population probably feels the same way.

And I think thatā€™s because most people donā€™t understand how much value they bring to the table.

Here are my 2 simple steps to helping you become irreplaceable as a content creator:

  1. Become Extremely Self-Aware

It kinda blows my mind how many people aimlessly live their life and wonder why their life hasnā€™t turned out the way they thought it would.

And Iā€™m not discrediting the things life throws at us that we have no control over.

But what Iā€™m talking about are the things you do have control over.

Simply being self-aware of where you are at on your content creator journey can help you see more clearly the next steps you need to take.

What skills can you learn or improve to separate yourself from others?

Are you in a season of life where doing free work makes more sense so you can master your craft and build credibility?

Maybe you have some work under your belt but no one knows who you are.

Do you need to be more deliberate in posting on social media and reaching out to potential clients regularly?

Or do you find yourself completely overbooked, working with the same clients you had 3 years ago but youā€™ve come to the realization you need to raise your prices or find new clients to work with that fit your ideal client profile?

Ultimately, you determine the value you bring to others.

Choose to show up for yourself everyday and be conscious of where you are at on your journey.

If you donā€™t see yourself as a high value content creator, why would anyone else?

  1. Evolve With The Times

If you arenā€™t keeping up with the times, expect to struggle.

The constantly changing landscape for content creators can be both exciting yet exhausting.

There will always be new trends, platforms and products that we need to familiarize ourselves with if we want to stay competitive.

Have you invested time and attention into your personal brand?

Do your followers know exactly what value you offer and how they can work with you?

Remember, where attention flows, so does money.

The concept of trading time for dollars has been thrown out the window.

Elon Musk said it best: ā€œYou get paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of problems you solve.ā€

With the growing presence of AI and other tools at our disposal, tasks that used to take several hours or days can be done in little to no time.

The quicker you evolve with the times and embrace these changes, the more impactful you will be.

You couldā€™ve been born a couple hundred years ago, but nope, you are living here right now for a reason.

Donā€™t waste it!

You got thisšŸ‘ŠšŸ»


PS - Dan Koeā€™s video was the inspiration behind this weekā€™s topic. You can check out the full YouTube video HERE.

The National Association of Broadcasters Show in Las Vegas, (happening April 13th-17th) is expected to be an exciting one this year.

In the content creator industry, change is never ending. This show is a great way to stay ahead of the curve by keeping up with the latest trends, discussions, and technologies reshaping the content economy.

Topics such as AI, audio advancements, the creator economy, live events, streaming, virtual production, workflow evolution, and any other groundbreaking innovations will be covered in this show.

Landon Bytheway will be at the DJI booth on the 15th so if youā€™re attending, swing by and say hi!

If youā€™re in the Newport Beach area on April 10th, come meet up with Landon and other creative entrepreneurs in the area!

Heā€™ll be at Lifeguard Tower 20 between 12-1:30pm.

If you arenā€™t able to make this meet up, just know the Full Time Filmmaker team has plans to do more of these meetups all over the country!

So keep an eye out for our announcements by following Landon and FTF on Instagram.


From Actor to Filmmaker

The story of Rafal Cwiok

Hey everyone! My name is Rafal and Iā€™ve been working professionally in film and video for 8 years, recently starting my own LLC, FERM Studios.

I started holding a camera when I was 13 years old after I met one of my closest friends who introduced me to filmmaking. It was goofy skateboarding videos and end-of-summer montages until highschool, when I volunteered to work in the audio/video office during my lunch hours. This helped me learn to plan shoots, collaborate with other students, and edit with different software (some weird editing box from the 90s, not my vibe). I ended up re-shooting the intro of my high school's entire student news network, and inspired the office to switch to using Adobe CC for their edits before graduating. I like to think I left my mark therešŸ˜‡

I worked part-time at my collegeā€™s library as their videographer and editor, filming speaker panels at events. Since I was majoring in acting, I focused more on narrative short films; working with the film students and learning how a set worked. When I wasnā€™t on campus, I helped film events at my local church, and compiled them to promotional sizzle reels.

It wasnā€™t until I made my move to LA from Chicago that I really started diving deep into filmmaking, transitioning away from acting after 2 years in the new city. In the years leading up to the pandemic, while working a day job, I learned about the intricacies of cinematography and lighting, and slowly built an arsenal of experience and gear. In 2020, when the world took a pause, I went all in on filmmaking!

I had been watching Parkerā€™s videos for a few years now, so I decided to invest in the FTF course, and become a part of this incredible community. I dove in headfirst, soaking in everything, primarily focusing on the business and marketing courses. Thanks to these incredible tools, Iā€™ve niched down to a format Iā€™m proficient and confident in, and made connections through this community that have helped me learn and grow! And since FTF keeps adding more courses, and the Facebook group is always active, I will continue improving and I couldnā€™t be more hyped! Much love to the FTF team and members that make this community what it is. Iā€™m forever gratefulšŸ™šŸ»

What advice would you give to someone getting started?

The hardest thing to push past when you are learning and growing (and we always are) is seeing others create work you donā€™t believe you are capable of creating; getting lost in the comparison game. One of the most powerful things one can do when building themselves, not just in filmmaking but in any field, is to know ā€“ not think, but KNOW ā€“ that you are gonna get better if you put in the work.

Overnight successes take years, and itā€™s important to adopt a mindset of ā€œI might not be where I want to be tomorrow, but Iā€™ll be closer.ā€ If youā€™re ready for that journey, itā€™ll welcome you.

Check out Rafalā€™s Instagram HERE.

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